Good Living Tour concert stays dry during downtown Hastings rainfall; Oquoa, Manny Coon play Hear Grand Island tonight; Concert Round-Up features The Sydney benefit concert
Oquoa premieres dreamlike new track; Double Q&As with Kansas City bands Shy Boys, Fullbloods; Good Living Tour goes to Hastings
Dominique Morgan dynamic in pair of debut tracks; Concert Review: The Ambulanters’ EP release party at Chez Hay; HullabaCruise with Kris Lager Band; Titus Andronicus, Lucius, A Giant Dog tonight
Q&A: The Electroliners’ upbeat, off-kilter new album; Hakim searches for his path with new release; Jack Hotel, The Ambulanters, Relax, It’s Science tonight; Justin Carter, Red City Radio, Derrick Adams farewell Saturday
Bernardus debuts stirring emotional folk track; Dominique Morgan, The Hottman Sisters, TKO added to New Generation; I Forgot To Love My Father goes country in Sofar Omaha video