Hear Nebraska’s Music Resources database is a listing of music related businesses and individuals offering services and products throughout the state. We intend to provide a comprehensive and quick reference of Nebraska music resources for musicians, non musicians, in-state and out-of-state individuals, and businesses who find themselves needing services or products while in Nebraska and to encourage them to shop locally. This list is by no means complete at this time, so if you notice information that is missing or needs updating, please complete the following form. To quickly search the database, we recommend using ⌘(command)F.
Event Production
Stage, Sound, & Lighting
Allied Concert Productions
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 639-7797
Email: kevinhiddleston@hotmail.com
Website: omahabackline.com and alliedconcertproductions.com
Additional Information: Based out of Omaha but provides services in Omaha, Lincoln, and surrounding cities
Audio Visions
4506 S. 139th St.
Omaha, NE 68137
Phone: (402) 894-5800
Email: enielsen@audio-visions.com
Website: www.audio-visions.com
Additional Information: Event services and equipment for music festivals, concert series, arts festivals, community events, and much more. Visit website for more information about their audio, lighting, stage, and video services.
MacRae Productions
4104 Grant St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 597-9909
Email: aking@mrpomaha.com
Website: www.mrpomaha.com
Additional Information: Serves Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln, and additional cities
Dog and Pony
8928 L St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 391-7691
Email: dognponyinc@aol.com
Website: www.dogandponyinc.com
Additional Information: Based out of Omaha but provides services globally Watts Systems
MacRae Productions
4104 Grant St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 597-9909
Email: aking@mrpomaha.com
Website: www.mrpomaha.com
Additional Information: Serves Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln, and additional cities
Midwest Sound & Lighting
4318 S 50th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 731-62682322 O St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 474-4918
Email: info@mwsound.com
Website: www.mwsound.com
Additional Information: Regional service providers
Steve Watts
403 W Saunder Ave
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 601-7651
Website: https://m.facebook.com/wattssystems/
Additional Information: Based out of Lincoln. Provides stage, sound, and lighting to eastern Nebraska.
Storm Live
Omaha, NE 68116
Phone: (402) 990-6899
Website: storm-live.com
Additional Information: Supports talent, venues, events, and businesses throughout the Midwest
7510 Burlington St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 592-5522
Website: www.tmsomaha.com
Vessel Live
700 R St #81111
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 580-8919
Email: vessellive@gmail.com
Website: www.vessellive.com
Additional Information: Regional supplier of stage and sound equipment
1004 N Diers Ave.
Suite 150
Grand Island, NE2301 Central Ave.
Kearney, NE
Phone: (800) 333-6939
Email: info@yandasmusic.com
Website: www.yandasmusic.com
Instrument Instruction
402 Arts Collective (Aromas Coffee House)
6051 Maple St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 913-1939
Email: info@402artscollective.org
Website: www.402artscollective.org
Barbour Music
1712 Broadway
Scottsbluff, NE
Phone: (308) 632-3833
Email: richard@crossraodsmusicne.com
Website: www.crossraodsmusicne.com
Dietze Music
5555 S 48th St
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (800) 793-252413015 West Center Rd.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (800) 357-1535
Email: info@dietzemusic.com
Website: www.dietzemusiconline.com
Additional Information: Four locations in Lincoln, Bellevue, and Omaha
Jewish Community Center
333 S 132nd St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 334-8200
Email: ekatz@jccomaha.org
Website: www.jewishomaha.com
Additional Information: Piano lessons available- membership required. Visit website for more information and pricing
Instrument Shops
Barbour Music
1712 Broadway
Scottsbluff, NE
Phone: (308) 632-3833
Email: richard@crossraodsmusicne.com
Website: www.crossraodsmusicne.com
Dietze Music
5555 S 48th St
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (800) 793-252413015 West Center Rd.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (800) 357-1535
Email: info@dietzemusic.com
Website: www.dietzemusiconline.com
Additional Information: Four locations in Lincoln, Bellevue, and Omaha
Ground Floor Guitar
3909 Farnam St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 614-6888
Email: hello@groundfloorguitar.com
Website: www.groundfloorguitar.com
Major Music Center
200 N Burlington Ave.
Hastings, NE
Phone: (402) 834-0651
Email: randy@shopmajormusic.com
Website: www.shopmajormusic.com
Midwest Music Center
311 W Norfolk Ave
Suite 110
Norfolk, NE
Phone: (402) 379-5252
Email: midwestmusic@cableone.net
Website: www.midwestmusiccenter.net
Ron’s Music
3422 W Capital Ave.
Grand Island, NE
Phone: (308) 384-2609
233 N Antelope Valley Pkwy.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 435-7688
Email: RootsMusicShop@gmail.com
Website: www.rootsmusicshop.com
Email: ronsmusic@gmail.com
1004 N Diers Ave.
Suite 150
Grand Island, NE2301 Central Ave.
Kearney, NE
Phone: (800) 333-6939
Email: info@yandasmusic.com
Website: www.yandasmusic.com
Music Based Nonprofits
The Commons LNK
1239 S 14th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 312-3158
Email: thecommonslnk@gmail.com
Website: www.thecommonslnk.com
Maha Music Festival
Email: info@mahamusicfestival.com
Website: www.mahamusicfestival.com
Omaha Girls Rock
PO Box 4247
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402)321-2252
Email: melissa@omahagirlsrock.com
Website: www.omahagirlsrock.com
528 S. 24th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (308) 224-4130
Email: outrspacesomaha@gmail.com
Website: www.outrspaces.org
Additional Information: Provides shared resources for performing artists
The Union for Contemporary Art
2423 N 24th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 933-3161
Website: www.u-ca.org
Knife and Fork Productions
Grand Island, NE
Perpetual Nerves
Email: booking@perpetualnerves.com
Website: www.perpetualnerves.com
Additional Information: Concert booking and promotion in eastern Nebraska
1% Productions
6212 Maple St
Omaha, NE
Email: info@onepercentproductions.com
Website: www.onepercentproductions.com
Additional Information: Concert promotion company that books shows in clubs, theaters, and arenas in Omaha, Lincoln, Des Moines, and Council Bluffs
Record Stores
Almost Music
3925 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 614-2883
Email: brad@almostmusic.com
BackTrack Records
1549 N Cotner Blvd.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 464-4567
Email: backtrack1549@windstream.net
Website: www.backtrackrecords.com
Buffalo Records
19 E 21st St.
Kearney, NE
Phone: (308) 224-2290
Email: info@buffalorecordshop.com
Website: www.buffalorecordshop.com
CD Warehouse
5141 O St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 486-0047
Email: cdwarehouse@neb.rr.com
Website: www.cdwarehouse.com
Cray Vinyl
2245 S 11th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 817-9991
Drastic Plastic
111B Howard St.
Omaha, NE 68102
Phone: (402) 346-8843
Website: www.drasticplasticrecords.com
Additional Information: Specializes in punk & alternative subculture
1210 Howard St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 346-0264
Email: homers1@homersmusic.com
Website: www.homersmusic.com
Lefty’s Records
2776 South St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 438-0038
Email: les@leftysrecords.com
Website: www.leftysrecords.com
Recycled Sounds
322 N 76th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402)991-6311
Email: recycledsounds@hotmail.com
Recording Studios
Website: www.another-recording-company.com
Archetype Recordings
7552 Parker St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 871-5446
Email: archetyperecordingstudio@gmail.com
Website: www.archetyperecordingstudio.com
4611 S 96th St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 593-7070
Email: msim@circoent.com
Website: www.circoenterprises.com
Fuse Recording
221 Oakcreek Dr
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 742-5175
Email: foureyedcharlie@yahoo.com
Website: www.fuserecording.com
Make Believe Studios
825 S 20th St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 972-6387
Email: bookings@makebelievestudio.com
Website: www.makebelievestudio.com
Broken Bow
Kinkaider Brewing Company
43860 Paulsen Rd.
Broken Bow, NE
Phone: (308) 872-8348
Email: info@kinkaider.com
Website: www.kinkaiderbrewing.com
Sylvester’s Bar and Lounge
723 E South E St.
Broken Bow, NE
Phone: (308) 872-6204
Email: jeanne_n_bottle@yahoo.com
Additional Information: Bands play country, rock, pop, and blues
Micek Bar
2506 12th St.
Columbus, NE
Phone: (402) 664-3093
Sip Espresso Bar
1345 27th Ave.
Columbus, NE
Phone: (402) 910-4655
Email: sipespressobar@gmail.com
Website: www.sipespressobar.com
Council Bluffs
Stir Cove
1 Harrahs Blvd.
Council Bluffs, IA
Phone: (712) 329-6000
Website: www.stircove.com
RiverWest Park
233rd & West Maple Rd.
Elkhorn, NE
Phone: (402) 953-4731
Email: riverwestpark@yahoo.com
Website: www.riverwestpark.com
Five Rocks Amphitheater
200701 Co Rd. P
Gering, NE
Phone: (308) 436-6886
Website: www.gering.org/five-rocks-amphitheater-0.com
Grand Island
The Chocolate Bar
116 W 3rd St
Grand Island, NE
Phone: (308) 675-0664
Email: thechocolatebargi@gmail.com
Website: www.thechocolatebari.com
The Glass Bar
1009 W North Front St.
Grand Island, NE
Phone: (308) 398-4527
Heartland Events Center
700 E Stolley Park Rd.
Grand Island, NE
Phone: (308) 382-4515
Email: hecmarketing@aol.com
Website: www.heartlandeventscenter.com
1822 Central Ave.
Kearney, NE
Phone: (308) 236-9393
Email: gillieslive@gmail.com
Website: www.reverbnation.com/venue/1359764.com
2005 Y St
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 310-5215
Email: info@the-bay.org
Website: www.thebay.org
Blue Blood Brewing Co.
925 Robbers Cave Rd.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 477-2337
Email: info@bluebloodbrewing.com
Website: www.bluebloodbrewing.com
Bodega’s Alley
1418 O St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 477-1418
Email: info@bodegasalley.com
Website: www.bodegasalley.com
The Bourbon Theatre
1415 O St
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402)
Email: promo@bourbontheatre.com
Website: www.bourbontheatre.com
The Commons LNK
1239 S 14th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 312-3158
Email: thecommonslnk@gmail.com
Website: www.thecommonslnk.com
Cottonwood Cafe Bistro Bar
440 S 11th St. C
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 937-7515
Email: jmulberi@gmail.com
Website: www.thecottonwoodcafe.com
Crescent Moon Coffee
140 N 8th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 435-2828
Email: info@crescentmooncoffee.com
Website: www.crescentmooncoffee.com
Duffy’s Tavern
1412 E O St
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 474-3543
Email: booking@duffyslincoln.com
Website: www.duffyslincoln.com
Gray’s Kegs Saloon
104 N 20th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 474-9595
Website: www.grayskegsaloon.com
Additional Information:Neighborhood bar featuring local and touring bands
Kimball Recital Hall
1113 R St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 472-7211
Email: unlarts@unl.edu
Website: www.unl.edu/music/facilities.com
Additional Information: The Kimball Recital Hall serves as the home for the Glenn Korff School of Music’s concerts and recitals by faculty, students, and guests artists. This space offers 820 seats, a balcony, an orchestra pit, a Reuter pipe organ, and provides technical support for the live webcasting of events to audiences around the world.
Lancaster Event Center
4100 N 84th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 441-6545
Email: info@lancastereventcenter.org
Website: www.lancastereventcenter.org
The Lied Center for Performing Arts
301 N 12th St
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 472-4700
Website: www.liedcenter.org
Lincoln Association for Traditional Arts (LAFTA)
504 S 7th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 508-8656
Website: www.lafta.net
Additional Information: Nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to preserve and promote fold and traditional music, dance, and related arts in the Lincoln area.
Meadowlark Coffee & Espresso
1624 South St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 477-2007
Website: www.meadowlarkcoffee.com
Additional Information: Spacious coffee house offering amid local art, live music & readings
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET- Ron Hull Studios)
1800 N 33rd St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (800) 868-1868
Email: radio@netNebraska.org
Website: www.netnebraska.org
Night Owl Pub
3233 ½ S 13th St
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 904-3727
Email: nightowlpub@gmail.com
Website: www.nightowlpublincoln.com
The Old Pub
420 S 11th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 477-5671
Email: theoldpubllc@gmail.com
Website: www.theoldpublincoln.com
Additional Information: Motown Vinyl- Real Deal Holyfield Soul from the street- last Saturday of every month
The Panic Bar
200 S 18th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 435-8764
Website: www.panicbar.com
Additional Information: Lincoln’s oldest LGBT bar with daily specials, and weekend events.
The Pilgrimer
228 N 12th St.
Lincoln, NE
Email: info@thepilgrimer.com
Website: www.thepilgrimer.com
Additional Information: This venue hosts a diverse array of amazing events and tells inspiring stories of the people in and around our city.
Pinewood Bowl Amphitheater
3201 S Coddington Ave.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 904-4444
Email: tlorenz@smglincoln.com
Website: www.pinewoodbowltheater.com
Additional Information: This venue can accommodate up to 5,500 people.
Pinnacle Bank Arena
400 Pinnacle Arena Dr.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 904-4444
Email: tlorenz@smglincoln.com
Website: www.pinnaclebankarena.com
Ploughshare Brewing Company
1630 P St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 742-0420
Email: info@ploughsharebrewing.com
Website: www.ploughsharebrewing.com
The Rococo Theatre
140 N 13th St
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 476-6540
Email: ashlie@rococotheatre.com
Website: www.rococotheatre.com
Tic Toc Bar
317A 11th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 890-5262
Website: www.tictocbar.com
Tower Square Park
1300 P St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 434-6900
350 Canopy St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 805-4785
Email: em@vegalincoln.com
Website: www.vegalincoln.com
The Zoo Bar
136 N 14th St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 435-8754
Email: booking@zoobar.com
Website: www.zoobar.com
1867 Bar
101 N 14th St. #6
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (531) 289-1724
1st Avenue Bar & Lounge
2310 N 1st St.
Lincoln, NE
Phone: (402) 475-7315
Email: firstavenuelounge@gmail.com
Almost Music
3925 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 614-2883
Email: brad@almostmusic.com
402 Arts Collective (Aromas Coffee House)
6051 Maple St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 913-1939
Email: info@402artscollective.org
Website: www.402artscollective.org
The Barley Street Tavern
2735 N 62nd St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 408-0028
Email: bookings@barleystreet.com
Website: www.barleystreet.com
Brothers Lounge
3812 Farnam St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 558-4096
Website: www.brothersloungeomaha.com
CenturyLink Center
455 N 10th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 341-1500
Email: arenabooking@omahameca.com
Website: www.centurylinkcenteromaha.com
Chrome Lounge
8552 Park Dr
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 339-8660
Email: bookingchromelive@gmail.com
Website: www.chromeloungeomaha.com
Darger HQ
1804 Vinton St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 209-5554
Email: info@dargerhq.org
Website: www.dargerhq.org
Dr. Jack’s Drinkery
3012 N 102nd St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 572-9400
Email: drjacksevents@gmail.com
Website: www.DrJacksDrinkery.com
The Down Under Lounge with the Sidedoor Stage
3530 Leavenworth St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 933-3927
Email: downunderstage@gmail.com
Website: www.thedownunderomaha.com
The Dubliner Pub
1205 Harney St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 342-5887
Website: www.dublinerpubomaha.com
Harney Street Tavern
1215 Harney St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 933-5657
Email: brady.bock@gmail.com
Website: www.harneystreettavern.com
Lookout Lounge
320 S 72nd St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 391-2554
Website: www.thehideoutomaha.com
Holland Performing Arts Center
1200 Douglas St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 345-0202
Email: info@omahaperformingarts.org
Website: www.omahaperformingarts.org
Hotel RL Omaha
2231 S 72nd St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 393-3950
Email: josh.houston@leslie-hospitality.com
Website: www.leslie-hospitality.com
Howlin’ Hounds Coffee
712 S 16th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 403-9230
Email: howlinhoundsinfo@gmail.com
Website: www.howlinhoundsomaha.com
The Library Pub
5142 N 90th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 571-6262
Email: info@librarypubomaha.com
Website: www.librarypubomaha.com
Love’s Jazz and Art Center
2510 N 24th St
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 502-5291
Email: administrator@lovesjazzartcenter.org
Website: www.ljac.org
Additional Information: LJAC’s mission is to preserve, present, and promote African American Art & Jazz.
Milk Run
1907 Leavenworth St
Omaha, NE
Email: milkrunbooking@gmail.com
Website: www.milkrunomaha.tumblr.com
Nebraska StoryArts
18129 Trail Ridge Rd.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 551-4532
Email: contactus@nebraskastoryarts.org
Website: www.nebraskastoryarts.org
Additional Information: Nebraska StoryArt’s mission is to preserve, perpetuate, and celebrate storytelling of all cultures and to nurture, sustain, and develop the storytelling community of tellers and listeners.
1322 Saddle Creek Rd.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 556-1238
Email: oleaversbooking@gmail.com
Omaha Healing Arts Center
1216 Howard St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 345-5078
Email: info@omahahealingarts.com
Website: www.omahahallrental.com
Additional Information: A dynamic space for education, holistic healing, performing arts and community
The Omaha Rockets Kanteen
2402 Erskine St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 281-3258
Email: omaharocketskanteen@gmail.com
Website: www.omaharocketskanteen.com
Additional Information: A restaurant tribute to the 1940’s Omaha Rockets Black Baseball Team & Negro Leagues History.
Orpheum Theater
409 S 16th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 661-8501
Website: www.omahaperformingarts.org/our-venues/orpheum.com
Pageturners Lounge
5004 Dodge St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 933-3973
Email: pageturnerslounge@gmail.com
Petshop Gallery
2727 N 62nd St
Omaha, NE
Website: www.bensonpetshop.wordpress.com
Project Project
1818 Vinton St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 680-6737
Website: www.projectsprojectomaha.com
Additional Information: This is a DIY contemporary arts space in South Omaha. It’s one big experiment in sharing- the giving of time, energy, space, money, ect to artists so they can freely make or do.
Reverb Lounge
6121 Military Ave.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 884-5707
Website: www.reverblounge.com
Shamrocks Pub & Grill
5338 N 103rd St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 933-0277
Email: shmrockspubandgrill@hotmail.com
Website: www.shamrockspubandgrill.com
Additional Information: Live bands every Friday and Saturday. The majority of the bands play original music ranging from blues, indie, alternative, rock, and death metal.
The Shark Club
2808 S 72nd St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 397- 4257
Email: sharkclub28@gmail.com
Website: www.sharkclubomaha.com
The Slowdown
729 N 14th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 345-7569
Email: info@theslowdown.com
Website: www.theslowdown.com
Sneaky Pete’s
3802 L St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 991-6100
Email: makaugman@live.com
Sokol Auditorium & Underground
2234 S 13th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 346-9802
Website: www.sokolunderground.com
The Stinson Park – Aksarben Village
1920 S 67th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 496-1616
Email: info@aksarbenvillage.com
Website: www.aksarbenvillage.com
Strauss Performing Arts Center
6305 University Drive N
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 544-3411
Email: unomusic@unomaha.edu
Website: www.unomaha.edu
The Sydney
5918 N Maple St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 932-9262
Email: thesydneybenson@gmail.com
Website: www.thesydneybenson.com
Additional Information: All shows at The Sydney are 21+
Turner Park – Midtown Crossing
3110 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 444-5930
Email: info@u-ca.org
Website: www.midtowncrossing.com
Additional Information: Large circular green space & amphitheater that hosts free jazz concerts.
The Union for Contemporary Art
2423 N 24th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 933-3161
Website: www.u-ca.org
Urban Outfitters
745 N 14th St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 280-1936
The Waiting Room
6212 N Maple St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 884-5353
Website: www.waitingroomlounge.com
White House Bar & Grill
7768 Cass St.
Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 991-1222
Chesterfield West
305 E Douglas St
O’Neill, NE
Phone: (402) 336- 1818
Email: thecheesterfieldwest@gmail.com
The Lark (The Listening Room Cafe)
809 W 2nd St
Hastings, NE
Phone: (402) 984-4073
Email: director@thelarkdowntown.com
Website: www.thelarkdowntown.com
Hank and Snooks Mint Bar
304 W Northwestern Ave.
Norfolk, NE
Phone: (402) 371-9837
Norfolk Arts Center
305 N 5th St
Norfolk, NE
Phone: (402) 371-7199
Email: info@norfolkartscenter.org
Website: www.norfolkartscenter.org
Office Bar
120 S 4th St.
Norfolk, NE
Phone: (402) 371-9919
Additional Information: Pub, Arts & Entertainment
North Platte
Sculley’s Shooters
2221 E 4th St.
North Platte, NE
Phone: (402) 650-0000
Email: joesculley@yahoo.com
Website: www.sculleysshooters.com
Bushwackers Saloon
7401 Main St.
Ralston, NE
Phone: (402) 593-9037
Email: bushwackerssaloonralston@gmail.com
Website: www.bushwackerssaloonomaha.com
Additional Information: Country Music
Ralston Arena
7300 Q St.
Ralston, NE
Phone: (402) 935-5364
Email: sbenis@ralstonarena.com
Website: www.ralstonarena.com
Additional Information: Muti-use entertainment venue with a seating capacity of 4,400
Sumtur Amphitheater
11691 S 108th St.
Papillion, NE
Phone: (402) 597-2065
Email: manager@sumtur.org
Website: www.sumtur.org
James Arthur Vineyard
2001 W Raymond Rd.
Raymond, NE
Phone: (402) 783-5255
Website: www.jamesarthurvineyard.com
Red Cloud
Red Cloud Opera House
411 N Webster St.
Red Cloud, NE
Phone: (402) 476-2653
Email: aarmstrong@willacather.org
Website: www.willacather.org/location/red-cloud-opera-house
Midwest Theater
1707 Broadway
Scottsbluff, NE
Phone: (308) 632-4311
Email: midwest@nebraskarts.com
Website: www.midwesttheater.com
Orchard Hill Creamery
1875 D Rd.
Unadilla, NE
Phone: (402) 440-9409
Email: laura@orchardhillcreamery.com
Website: www.orchardhillcreamery.com
Additional Resources
A Guide on How to Get Covered
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