LIFE is COOL, Live on 89.3 KZUM | Hear Nebraska FM

words by Chance Solem-Pfeifer | photos by Kat Buchanan

Even if their live shows are regularly obscured in a fog machine haze, there’s no hiding the core message of LIFE is COOL.

It’s in their first online release from late last year, “JDWYD (Just Do What You Do).” It’s in their chorus, “P-A-R-T-Y.” It’s in the optimism and conviction of their name, LIFE is COOL.

When the band formed in October 2012, it was just in time for their coming out party on the last night of Lincoln Calling, where they introduced audiences to their brand of dancey funk rock. At that moment, LIFE is COOL was the product of Lincoln music scenesters from Pharmacy Spirits, Black Cohosh, Powerful Science, The Betties, Cat Island, Head of Femur and more.

But in the last year, LIFE is COOL has shown itself to be a product of Life is Cool, opposing the label of Lincoln supergroup. LIFE is COOL is a band, albeit one with a unique open-door policy for playing and recording with some of Lincoln’s best-known musicians including Eli Mardock and Josh Hoyer, and taking the stage with anywhere from six to eight members. 

You can see LIFE is COOL at noon today for Hear Lincoln at the intersection of 13th and O streets. It’ll be hot, not just because of the weather. But first, let’s feel some of the heat with LIFE is COOL’s set on Hear Nebraska FM from last night on 89.3 KZUM.

Chance Solem-Pfeifer is Hear Nebraska's staff writer. Reach him at