“Last Dirge” by Conduits | Music Video

Look and listen, synesthetes. Thanks to Omaha's Conduits, as well as director Jonathan Tvrdik and crew, we can all understand what it's like to be you.

Kaleidoscopic, glowing imagery complements the gauzy guitars. Shaky, blue dreamscapes match the building mushroom cloud of sound. Flags set on fire mirror the climax of "Last Dirge," and the masterful first music video released by the band now on tour with Cursive and Cymbals Eat Guitars busts open some neural pathways you didn't know existed.

Senses collide sending slow-motion shrapnel flying, and you're left with a thousand-mile stare and a mouth agape. See, hear and feel for yourself:

Director Jonathan Tvrdik
Producer Tessa V. Wedberg
Assoc. Producer Jonathan Purcell
DP Michael Lang

Conduits is Jenna Morrison on vocals, J.J. Idt and Nate Mickish on guitar, Roger Lewis on drums, Mike Overfield on bass and Patrick Newberry on keyboard.

Michael Todd is Hear Nebraska's managing editor. He'd like to blame this war-torn living room on the music video, but he just needs to find his chi, or in a Scrabble world, his qi. Reach Michael at michaeltodd@hearnebraska.org.