“Top of the Hill” by Conduits | Song Premiere

by Hilary Stohs-Krause

Omaha's Conduits have been making waves with their dreamscape, pyschedelic shoegaze ever since they started playing together in late 2009. Featuring former members of Eagle*Seagull, the Good Life, Neva Dinova and Son Ambulance, the band plays seamlessly, fronted by Jenna Morrison's ethereal vocals.

All the buzz has resulted in Team Love records, founded by Nate Krenkel and Omaha's Conor Oberst, announcing they'll release their debut LP in late March.

They'll be promoting the self-titled album with a blistering tour, opening for Cursive for 27 shows across the East Coast, Midwest and South in about as many days.

Download a single from the forthcoming album here: "Top of the Hill"

#12 Conduits: Limbs and Leaves from Love Drunk on Vimeo.