“Beautiful” by Dominique Morgan | Song Premiere

To hear Omaha R&B singer Dominique Morgan explain the premise of his Loveaholics Anonymous EP enforces everything about its drama, its passion and its fatalism.

In Morgan’s appearance on Hear Nebraska FM last month, he asserted the addictive qualities of love — that it’s a powerful force with many unhealthy forms and tangents. So Morgan’s new EP, to be released Saturday at Side Door Lounge, will be an exercise in confession as much as it’s an admission of heartfeltness. There will be spoken word poetry, food and a community of people Morgan hopes will be receptive to admitting (or hearing other admissions) of addiction. (RSVP here.)

“Beautiful,” then, is a song that seems to articulate the virtues of a healthy love. It comes off as an appreciation of another. The spoken intro from Frank Capra’s You Can’t Take It With You is fitting then, a director whose film’s always prized the idea of loving in a personally inspired way. But then “Beautiful” is a song on an EP-long spectrum of songs about the life of a “loveaholic.” The EP also offers some of Morgan’s older work, and songs like “Fuck Love” get at the darker side of that fixation.

Side note: If you can’t make Saturday’s show, Morgan and Omaha emcee Marcey Yates are headlining The Waiting Room on Oct. 9. RSVP here to catch their growing collaboration in action.

Listen to the premiere of “Beautiful” below: