Anticipated Releases of 2017 | Scene List

To help assess the year in music, we asked more than a dozens musicians, journalists and scene figures for their favorite albums, songs, shows and events of the year. Read on for the new music — both known and hoped for — they anticipate in 2017.

Check out more from our 2016 year in review here.

Patrick Nolan, HN editorial contributor

I guess I am not totally sure what is *officially* on the burners for 2017, but I am hoping for a new Eric in Outerspace record. I also have noticed Millions of Boys is back playing live shows, so I can only hope and pray they will release something. As for official word on upcoming projects, I am really looking forward to the new Uh Oh EP. The track they just dropped from it has been stuck in my head and I dig it.

Zach Chrastil, Salt Creek

I’m really, really excited for the release of Super Ghost’s debut full length in 2017. The guys in Super Ghost are some of the most real and empathetic people that I’ve ever met. I have no doubt that the album with be overflowing with feels, vibes, and tasty riffs. They’ve been killing it playing shows for years now, and I can’t wait for that music to reach even more people with this release.

Sleep Sinatra, Lincoln emcee

Anything Conny Franko drops, anything ICHIBANHASHFACE drops. Hopefully we get another Black Jonny Quest project. Anything MesonJixx drops.

Miwi LaLupa, Omaha singer/songwriter

Whatever Anna McClellan puts out. Fire Flames is really good. She’s only getting better!

Sara Bertuldo, See Through Dresses

I got to support Anna McClellan on tour earlier this fall and played a bunch of her new songs. I really appreciate the way she writes, her lyrics, song structures, everything. I look forward to hearing the proper recording next year.

Dan McCarthy, McCarthy Trenching

NE record for 2017: I believe that Anna McClellan will have a record out in 2017. I can’t wait to hear it. I’ll also be watching for whatever Orenda Fink, the music making machine, puts out into the world.

Christine Fink, High Up

Closeness (Todd and Orenda Fink) EP

photo by Tarah Dawdy

Amanda Deboer Bartlett, Omaha Under The Radar

I want Chemicals to put something out this year. Not sure if they’re planning on releasing something. I just want that.

Andrew Samson, HN editorial contributor

I want Chemicals to release an album. The short answer to that question is that they’re awesome. The long answer is that I love the mixture of the styles that they put together. It’s impossible to categorize for me, but seeing them play is an amazing experience. These musicians are all so passionate and their passion comes out in the music they create. I want to be able to take that passion with me.

photo by Lauren Farris

Chelsea Yates, HN editorial contributor

One of the records I’m looking forward to is Orion Walsh’s forthcoming album, 7. Orion visits Seattle (where I live) every now and then and, whenever he does, he presents us with a great evening of music, community and generosity. He’s a performer who values his audience as much as the long line of folk musicians from which he draws inspiration. And there’s something magical in that mix.

 Kelly Langin, Milk Run

I’m not even sure who’s putting out a record because all the bands I come into contact with regularly are constantly hustling. I think if they aren’t already, No-Getter should be planning a full-length, or at least another EP. Same with Jocko and Mad Dog and the 20/20s.

Kate Dussault, Hi-Fi House

No Thanks and David Nance.

Rebecca Lowry, All Young Girls Are Machine Guns

Universe Contest for sure. But also Mesonjixx has some some songs recorded that made me weep with joy. I’d like to listen to those again on repeat forever. I know there is a So-So Sailors album recorded. I’d like that to see the light of goddamn day already. Also, is Black Jonny Quest FINALLY gonna put out a new album? I’d like that to happen.

From left: Universe Contest’s Jordan Ellis, Joe Humpal and Tim Carr record vocals for their forthcoming record | photo by Tarah Dawdy

Graham Ulicny, Think Paint/The Faint

Not to toot the old horn too but I am very stoked about the Twinsmith record I helped record/produce. Not sure when that baby will drop.

photo by Connor Lepert

Jason Steady, Wolf Dealer

I’m going to get shameless and say Wolf Dealer‘s. I really have so little interest in participating in the local music scene any more, whether from age, failing, or the general disinterest in what I’m doing, but I’m excited to make a record with these guys. We’ve been playing together, on and off, since the late 90’s. We’re actually good now.


photo by Connor Lepert

James Dean, HN photo contributor

I’m looking for some sort of physical media sort of thing from High Up. I want to be able to scream-sing their tunes everywhere!

 Joel Henriksen, One Percent Productions

Mesonjixx. Mary: if you’re reading this, please send me the album ASAP as I need more of your soulful voice in my life. Thank you.

Jacob Darling, The Commons LNK

Definitely definitely keep an eye out for Salt Creek’s new record coming out this year. They have grown so much as a band this year and it’s been really awesome being able to watch all the great musicians in the project come together and build something really different than their previous projects. They just finished up recording with Jeremy Schaeffer over at All Poetic and Mat Kerekes from Citizen is working on it right now so I am real excited to hear the final product!

Lucas Wright, Black Heart Booking

Honestly, I’m not sure of a lot of band’s plans for next year. I guess I’ll just wait to see what all of our state’s most talented musicians and artists create.

Edem Soul Music, Omaha singer/songwriter

Anyone! I believe that Nebraska is full of artists that are gold. If anyone puts an album out there, I’ll support them by listening to it!

Jacob Zlomke, Fly Over Media

The Huskers 10-2 regular season record.