Tim Kasher at O’Leaver’s | Photo Essay

words and photos by Chevy Anderson

What a show the new owners of O’Leaver’s put on last night. The venue was not over capacity with people to see Tim Kasher — one of those co-owners — who did a number of things right last night. He played some old tunes along with some new ones that will be on his album he is getting ready to record.

Slowdown Virginia was before my day, but somebody from the audience before the show convinced Kasher to go back in the past to his former band when he played “Whipping Stick” from Slowdown Virginia’s Dead Space. He also played The Good Life's “Album of the Year,” accompanied by longtime friend and bandmate, Roger Lewis on drums.


Hers and Vic Padios opened for Kasher. It was a good night in Omaha for music. Here is to night two with O'Leaver's hosting Kasher and his band along with Brighton MA. The second show starts tonight at 9 p.m., and cover is $10.


Hers at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13

Hers at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Hers at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Hers at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Hers at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Hers at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Hers at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Hers at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13

Vic Padios

Vic Padios at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Vic Padios at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Vic Padios at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13

Tim Kasher

Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's from Hear Nebraska on Vimeo.


Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13

Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13

Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.13
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013
Tim Kasher at O'Leaver's | 3.20.2013

Chevy Anderson is a Hear Nebraska intern. He'll be back at O'Leaver's tonight, and we'll update this story with more photos on Friday. Reach Chevy at chevya@hearnebraska.org.