photos and words by Molly Misek
The set began with a hooded figure perched near the center of the stage. Only a patch of light illuminated his chin. Through nearly a half dozen songs, the hood gradually fell off until the figure’s head was fully visible. The crowd applauded as he pulled out a cigarette and took a long drag, smoke rising up from the microphone. A few voices in the crowd wondered aloud if it was real or an e-cig.
“It doesn’t matter,” someone yelled. “He can do what he wants — he’s in the goddamn band!”
Others shouted in approval as Chad Hanks, the bassist for American Head Charge, took another drag of the cigarette in question and slowly strummed the strings of his bass, as if toying with his fans. His face, then unshrouded beneath the stage lights, remained stoic as ever. With one last puff, the show continued.
Nearly seven years after American Head Charge released its last official LP, the industrial metal band from Minneapolis drew a crowd that filled The Waiting Room floor on Tuesday.
Metalheads in the room rejoiced at songs from their newest release, Shoot, including a performance of “Sugars of Someday” with a staticky, catchy riff that to which even the most devoted of shoegazers could bang their heads.
Accompanying AHC on the billing was Righteous Vendetta, bringing an equally intense sound and energy. With reckless dancing, numerous jumps across the stage and near-collisions with amps, monitors and mics, frontman Ryan Hayes kept the crowd’s attention with horseplay that seemed just as part and parcel to the performance as the music. By the end of the set when Hayes stepped on his drummer Zack Goggins’ head, it was almost to be expected.
The Mississippi-bred band Cathercist completed the night’s lineup, along with Omaha’s own The Zero Sum.
See photos from the night below:
American Head Charge
Righteous Vendetta
The Zero Sum
Molly Misek is a multimedia intern at Hear Nebraska. This show didn't quite turn her into a metalhead, but the idea of becoming one is alluring to her. Reach her at