21+ $5
The So So Glos: Good times & Punk Rock from a group of brothers out of Brooklyn, NYC. http://www.thesosoglos.nyc
The Dirty Nil: The Dirty Nil play rock and roll. Loud, distorted, and out of control, they play like it’s a fever they’re trying to sweat out. Reveling in the din of distorted guitars, pounding drums, and desperately howled vocals, the Hamilton Ontario three-piece makes music for turntables and hi-fi’s – music for dive bars and house parties – for beer drinking and joint smoking – for road trips and barbecues – for fighting and yelling and shouting and singing and screaming and howling – for sweating and bleeding – trying and failing and trying again anyways. Gravel-in-your guts, spit-in-your-eye, staggering, bloodthirsty rock and roll. http://thedirtynil.bandcamp.com/
Montee Men: Montee Men is a POWER trio from Omaha