Oasis Bluegrass Band @ Lincoln Foundation Gardens | Lincoln

The Oasis Bluegrass Band was created between worship services at St Mark's United Methodist Church in early 2003. Some of the boys in the choir were trying to create an "act" to perform some music for the youth group fundraiser (entitled the "Talent/No Talent show) in the spring. They discovered that they had enough instruments hidden away in basements, closets, and attics to form a "quasi" Bluegrass band. So they set about learning Bill Monroe's version of "Cryin' Holy Unto The Lord"……planning to fit squarely in the "No Talent" portion of the show. The song came off pretty well and pretty soon the requests were coming in right and left for the boys to come play a church function, nursing home,or birthday party. Several years later they discovered they'd learned enough songs to play a whole night at a coffee house. Focusing on whatever music we like and think we can pull off without offending the audience too much……we're having a blast! Come hear us play sometime!

Part of the Lincoln Community Foundation Garden Performance Series.  Free and open to the public.