Country Throwdown w/ Jake Kloefkorn ft. Tommy O’Keeffe at Night Owl Pub

— $1 Busch Light Pints until the keg is gone!
— Free Apple Pie Shots all night long!
— Free Pulled Pork Sandwiches and Chips!

It’s going to be one hell of a night packed with a backwoods crowd and original country music. We ain’t messin around so come party and throwdown with the best of the best up-and-coming acoustic songwriters that Lincoln, NE has to offer. Tickets will be $10 at the door and give you access to everything, BUT look for event posts to get $7 ENTRY AND BE ENTERED TO WIN FREE ENTRY AND PRIZES. That’s right, follow Jake Kloefkorn, Tommy O’Keeffe, check in regularly, and your and a friend’s night could be on us. We look forward to seeing you there!