Hilary Saunders

Music Page::
Download CD for free at noisetrade.com/hilarysaunders
Youtube Channel:: youtube.com/hilarysaundersmusic


About time I updated this.

My name is Hilary Saunders, born and raised around music.
My story is simple, I have a deep passion for this art and talent. I have never been a fan of over hyped biographies that are too hard to relate to or the opposite that are too dry to stomach. The fact is, is I have been playing since 8th grade and I have worked to where I am now, nothing fancy, no strings attached, I just love what I do and have been fortunate enough to do so, thus far.

I hope this music transpires and elevates you to a new place, and I hope the same for myself. Maybe a glimpse into my life will show you how similar we all are and how much we need each other to continue on this journey.