I am a Vietnamese American singer-songwriter. I am the son of post-war immigrants that built a family from nothing. Most importantly, I am a friend to any that are earnest in their friendship and in who they are.
Music is not a late discovery in my life. I have been enthralled by the licks and hooks of tunes ever since my mother sang to me my first lullaby. I was a little late to the party when comes to performing but that has not killed the dream. With some theatre and choir experience under my belt, I decided to pursue solo performances as a junior in high school. Since then, I have not lost the performing bug. There’s nothing that quite compares to singing for a mass of people, putting them in a moment that suspends their thoughts and worries of the day and brings us together in shared second of space. I love music that is raw, swollen from emotion, and genuine. Over the next few years, I will be experimenting a lot with my music to find where I fit in it all. But there’s not much like a lone troubadour and his guitar.