Free Movie Trivia @ P.S. Collective | Omaha

Rob and Sara are cinephiles (and quizzophiles!) – jumping at the chance to test their own knowledge and the knowledge of others on all things cinematic (and cinematically trivial!). From humble beginnings at Main Street Movies in Millard, Rob has worked at and managed several different movie rental stores in his days, while also taking film classes in college just to prepare him for his inevitable destiny as a movie-quiz host. Sara, with no “formal” film training, was just basically raised by movies. She learned to love her mother by watching Beaches, to cherish her youth by watching Big, and to have an unnaturally powerful fear of clowns by watching Stephen King’s It. Perhaps had she not seen Quiz Show in 1994, this movie quiz would not even be happening. The Trivia: As movie trivia hosts, Sara and Rob will ask you anything from soundtrack listings to movie quotes to cameo roles by director’s ugly brothers! Using a variety of media, your cinematic knowledge wil be tested for two hours with quotes, clips, music, behind the scenes trivia, and anything else that might have to do with the silver screen! The Rules: There will be 40 questions, broken up into five categories of eight questions each (with a ten-minute break between the second and third category). Anyone can play alone or with friends, but the teams are capped at 4 people per team. If you have more than four people, you can still play, but you cannot win. No use of smart phones, laptops, phoning a friend, etc. In fact, you should