“Pink Worm” by Hammer No More the Finger | Love Drunk Video

When a location isn't inspiring, turn off the lights. On Day 12 of the 2012 Love Drunk Tour, we pulled up to a tree-lined neighborhood of Durham to find Hammer No More The Fingers set up in a living room that could have been anywhere (not that it didn't have its own charm, including the S&M film screening on the TV behind drummer Jeff Stickley during sound check). Because setting is an important element for the Love Drunk project, our ears perked when the band's friend, Eric Chen, said offhandedly, "I have some glow sticks."

That will work.

We strapped them to the band, to the mic stands and to the drum set, and we used Chen's novelty flashlights (his roommate told us his bedroom's overflowing with this stuff) as low-budget spotlights. HNMTF hasn't played Nebraska "yet," they said. But when they do, we told them to keep in mind local sonic brethren like Noah's Ark Was a Spaceship, Her Flyaway Manner and Universe Contest.

Listen to them perform the title track on their upcoming EP (out June 12), and decide which Nebraska bands you'd pair them with.

Six Love Drunk videographers went on tour shooting live, one-take videos with bands across the eastern part of the U.S., spreading the word about Nebraska music along the way from May 4-20. This was day 12 of the 17-day tour. Learn more about the project and the tour here. Watch all the videos here.


audio.video.live.one take

audio recorded/mixed by Django G-S

video directed/edited by Django G-S

Django G-S
Brendan Greene-Walsh
Daniel Muller
Andrew Norman
Angie Norman
Ben Semisch

Daniel Muller and Ben Semisch

* performed Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Andrew Norman is Hear Nebraska's editor-in-chief. He thinks HMNTF would fit well with any of Brendan McGinn's bands, really. Contact him at andrewn@hearnebraska.org.