The Rebates Live Review | Lazy-i

The Brothers Lounge turned into a punk-rock old folks home Saturday night for the big Rebates reunion, and I can say that without fear of reprisals since I was one of those old folks. Still, even I’m too young to remember The Rebates on their first go ’round circa sometime in the late ’70s. Back then I was busy tipping cows in Ft. Calhoun, listening to Zeppelin and Floyd on The Z and dreaming of Gina Tomasina. Meanwhile, this roughshod trio was injecting high-grade punk into the Omaha biosphere, reportedly for the first time.

I wasn’t the only person in the packed house who was too young to have seen The Rebates the first time, and was there because they’d been told the show would be special. And special it was. Although I didn’t recognize any of the songs (someone who was around during Omaha’s first wave pointed out a Stranglers cover) I recognized the vibe and the energy and can only imagine how it translated in a different Omaha, before punk and Caulfield and Saddle Creek, when the only thing in town was meat markets and cover bands. It was bands like the Rebates that helped lay the groundwork for what Omaha would become.

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It’s back to The Brothers tonight for the Capgun Coup tour send-off show. The band heads to LA for a month of shows. Help launch their tour in style. Opening is Gus & Call. 10 p.m., $?. More info here.

By the way, someone asked the other night how I found out about the Rebates show or any Brothers show for that matter. The only place I’ve seen their shows listed or mentioned was The Brothers Facebook page.  Go there now and “like” ‘em.

Also tonight, a little ol’ band by the name of Best Coast plays at Slowdown with JEFF the Brotherhood. $17, 9 p.m.

Before you head to either show, drop by the Shop at Saddle Creek for tonight’s Record Club, featuring Talking Heads’ Remain in Light. The needle drops at 7, followed by friendly conversation. And pick up some vinyl while you’re down there.

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Tomorrow: Maha responds to the comments on this blog entry.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2012 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.