“Black Holes” by Frontier Ruckus | Love Drunk Video

There's dust on the cover and the pages to the book Frontier Ruckus is writing, but frontman Matthew Milia's scribbling his lyrics with a Uni-Ball Jetstream pen.

Based in the center of the mitten state's palm, they play a modern version of old-timey music with their acoustic guitar, drums, singing saw and banjo. Guitarist/vocalist Milia, banjo player Davey Jones, drummer Ryan "Smalls" Etzcorn and multi-instrumentalist Zach Nichols dress as if they stepped out of S.E. Hinton's Tex. It's timeless stuff, but unlike many modern folk bands, Milia's singing about his own past — you know, the '90s, with its strip malls and Starter jackets — rather than the popularized notion of America's past found in movies and dripping with forced rusticism. Critically, it's authentic. And that's what makes it so appealing.

Frontier Ruckus' growing chapters are capturing today's America from an honest, Midwestern perspective. It's an important history book, and it sounds really good.

In an attic in Ann Arbor's Kerrytown neighborhood, the band performed a new song that will appear on their forthcoming full-length, Eternity of Dimming, on day four of the 2012 Love Drunk Tour


Six Love Drunk videographers are on tour shooting live, one-take videos with bands across the eastern part of the U.S., spreading the word about Nebraska music along the way. This was day four of 17-day tour. Learn more about the project and the tour here. Watch all the videos here.

Special thanks to this year's tour sponsors, Proxibid and Havana Garage, whose generous support is paying for much of the travel costs. Please support these Omaha businesses.


audio.video.live.one take

audio recorded/mixed by Matt Hovanec
video directed/edited by Django G-S

Django G-S
Matt Hovanec
Andrew Norman
Angie Norman
Andrew Roger
Ben Semisch

Ben Semisch

* performed Monday, May 7, 2012


Andrew Norman is Hear Nebraska's editor-in-chief. He spent this evening drinking beers and catching up with his friends Nick, Anna and Ringo from Ann Arbor. Ringo is Kill County's expat banjo player. Contact Norman at andrewn@hearnebraska.org.