From 1991 to 1997, Mike Kronschnabel helped produced Trout Tunes, a television show featuring music and interviews with bands of the time. Now Kronschnabel, or simply Kronch, is hoping to digitize the approximately 1,600 hours of footage. All it takes is time, storage space and maybe a couple helping hands.
See the video for more details, and email Kronch at if you'd like to pitch in with any effort. Also find a few more samples of the footage via Kronch's YouTube account.
editing, voiceover and interview by Michael Todd
shot by Andrew Norman
music: "Kicked to the Curb" by Frontier Trust
"Sister" by The Nixons
Michael Todd is Hear Nebraska's managing editor. Most of his knowledge of alternative '90s music was formed through episodes of Pete and Pete, and he couldn't be happier about that. Reach him at