“God Damn Berlin” by Drive-by Honky | The Band Broke Up

by Jeremy Buckley

Recorded by Mike and A.J. Mogis at Dead Space in October of 1999, God Damn Berlin is a quick snapshot of what Dan Jenkins (Ideal Cleaners) and drummer Tom Cabela Jr. were up to in the last year of the last century with the band Drive-by Honky. You can download the five-song EP for free, or get a free hard-copy CD here, at Nebraska's digital music graveyard.

My favorite track from the album has always been "Never Better." They still play that biz on KRNU. Jenkins performs currently with Ideal Cleaners. Check them out on Feb. 4 at the Sydney in Omaha at the Hear Nebraska launch party.

TheBandBrokeUp.com is a site dedicated to keeping the music alive from defunct local bands — it currently features 45 free, full-length downloads.