Brian Piontek’s Rat Bikes, Watercolors (and Music) | Kibler’s Corner

We don't know exactly how Cory Kibler managed to corner Brian Piontek. Perhaps it was with the promise of a genuine conversation, a reverence toward Piontek's creative hobbies in addition to his music with Root Marm Chicken Farm Jug Band and Dean the Bible.

But as captured below, reverence flew out the basement window of this premiere of Kibler's Corner. Watch and cringe as Piontek takes Kibler and his cameraman around his home to talk about his rat bikes, his painting and his music. Try to gauge whether or not Piontek makes it out of the corner unscathed:

Brian Piontek's Rat Bikes, Watercolors (and Music) | Kibler's Corner from Hear Nebraska on Vimeo.

video produced and edited by Nickolai Hammar

onscreen talent by Cory Kibler

intro and outro music: "New Boat" by Talking Mountain