“Thrill is Gone” by Digital Leather | HN Live

by Andrew Norman

Omaha's Digital Leather performs "Thrill is Gone" at the Hear Nebraska: Vol. 1 comp release show Dec. 3, 2011 at The Sydney in Benson. The song appears in demo form on the "Sponge" cassette from Crash Symbols and will be on Digital Leather's full-length, Modern Problems, due out Feb. 14, 2012 on FDH Records. (Download the first track from the album at Spin.com.)

Video: Mike Machian, Daniel Muller, Django G-S, Andrew Norman
Video edit: Andrew Norman
Audio master: Matt Hovanec
Andrew Norman is Hear Nebraska's editor. He's currently listening to Vacation by Bomb the Music Industry! Contact him at andrewn@hearnebraska.org.