“Morbid Masters” by Sam Martin | Video

by Steven Ashford and Thomas Yim

Capgun Coup frontman Sam Martin takes a slight step aside from the rest of his crew and shows Hear Nebraska his softer, more subtle side. In exchange for the five-piece, low-fi garage quintent (which just signed to Org Music.), Martin picks up an acoustic guitar and plays us an original spook-folk track, "Morbid Masters," on a blustery November afternoon in a back lot near Hanscom Park in Omaha.

Steven Ashford
Thomas Yim
Michael Sablan

Thomas Yim

Steven Ashford and Thomas Yim are Hear Nebraska editorial interns. They want to hear what you think about the video. Tell them in the comments below or by emailing stevena@hearnebraska.org or thomasy@hearnebraska.org.