“Bedbedbed” by Deleted Scenes | Love Drunk Video

by Django G-S

Deleted Scenes (Washington, D.C.) performs "Bedbedbedbedbed" at Scout Dry Goods & Trade in Omaha, Neb.

During the session, Scout employees constructed a cardboard truck display. Well-done, girls!

Deleted Scenes embark Sept. 5 on a six-week tour across the country, which includes a Sept. 15 appearance at O'Leaver's in Omaha. Don't miss them.

audio.video.live.one take

audio recorded/mixed/mastered by Matt Hovanec
video directed/edited by Django G-S

nate gasaway
django g-s
matt hovanec
andrew roger
ben semisch

* performed on Monday, July 11, 2011

